Quote from: admin on June 25, 2014, 01:47:55 PM
In visual basic and as an Excel function I have published random number generators, two of them generate numbers with a constant probability ("flat").
The other one. =bfx_rang(....) generates numbers according to a gaussian distribution.
The properties of Excels random generators did not suit my purpose.
The "flat" distribution is the basis for generating numbers distributed according to another distribution.
For gaussian distributions efficient algorithms can be googled.
Nevertheless, the more random variables involved in a simulation, the less details of a certain random variable matter.
Quote from: 375CT on June 24, 2014, 07:29:08 AMRead the article about CEP. Derivation includes few approximations at least on ellipcity and bias. Then again I have assumed that all the dispersion factors are independed. This is pretty good approximation but not exactly true as roberts states on Hit probability thread.
Mman, if you don't me asking, why you state your work is not mathematically exact?