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Worksheets / Getting Started Workbook - BfX...
Last post by DTV Student - September 16, 2014, 10:06:05 PM
Hi Folks,

I am a newbie and have been exploring some of the BfX functions documented in the "Getting Started.XLS" file.  The one I am currently working on is for calculating Air Density, BfX_AD. 

I noticed that there is NOT an input parameter for the "Altitude Above Sea Level".  I live near the "Smoky Mountains".  They are old and eroded.  They are not impressive when compared to the Swiss Alps.  LOL...  The altitude of my "hills" range from 1000 feet to about 6000 feet above sea level.

The atmospheric pressure reported on the radio, television, and internet is NOT reported as absolute pressure.  The reported pressure has been adjusted for the local weather station's altitude to sea level conditions.

The adjustment to sea level means that the normal range of fluctuations in atmospheric pressure is the same for everyone.  The pressures that are considered high pressure or low pressure do not depend on geographical location.  This makes isobars on weather maps meaningful and useful tools.

So, I am thinking this is another good reason to know what the local altitude is so that the reported barometric pressure can be corrected back to the observed absolute pressure.

I have heard that changes in the Air Density due to temperature, barometric pressure, altitude, and % relative humidity might have as much as a 5 % effect on the flight path of a projectile.  Is this true?

Your comments and suggestions are always appreciated.

DTV Student

General discussion / Re: Newbie problems installing
Last post by DTV Student - September 16, 2014, 03:51:25 PM
Hi Folks,

I have an ancient, 10 year old, laptop, running Windows XP and Office Suite 2003.  I recently discovered the BfX website and decided to download the BfX addin for Excel.  I first tried the automatic installation which seemed to work until I tried to select BfX.xll for an addin from the "C:\Program Files\BfX Excel AddIns" directory.  BfX.xll was there.  When I tried to load it, I got an error message... something about not being a valid addin.  Ouch!!!

After trying to install it 2 or 3 more times and getting the same error message, I looked around the website and found another way to just download BfX.xll for Excel 2003.  I downloaded this BfX.xll and moved it to the same directory as above.  This BfX.xll had a much more recent date than the previous BfX.xll and it worked!!!

After reading through most of the "Getting Started.XLS" tabs, I very quickly was able to construct a trajectory table and chart for my 55 year old squirrel rifle, a Marlin Model 80, using a ballistic coefficient of 0.12 with the RA4 drag function.  I was amazed.  For several hours daily during July and August, I researched and wrote my own version of an Excel ballistics calculator.  It works, but my efforts writing a quickly converging solution for the angle of departure which including air drag leaves a lot to be desired.  It is very slow and requires many iterations.  LOL !!!

The BfX.xll is much, much, much faster and offers more drag functions.  Fantastic !!!

Thank you so very much for all your hard work !!!

Bravo !!!

DTV Student
Updates / Re: Update 2014
Last post by meccastreisand - August 04, 2014, 06:41:21 PM
Please check out, you can download my current version from there, it's in Excel 97-2004 format (.xls). There's a very nice spin drift equation there. It's not super advanced in that it doesn't take polymer tips and such into account but it's been good to me out to 1500m with BTHP and A-Max projectiles from Hornady, Sierra, Berger and Nosler.
Updates / Update 2014
Last post by admin - July 29, 2014, 01:12:44 PM
Currently I am working on an update.

this would ensure that you run the latest MS software in Excel.

BfX_U will get the possibility to do scoring on several targets: e.g. BfX_U("300mI";12;"cm") would return 8, as the eight ring on that target has a radius of 15 cm and the nine ring has  10 cm radius.

From BfX/Forum users I got several requests  to extend BfX, e.g. spin drift.
Some of you manufactured some Excel software for this.
Please mail me your wishes and the corresponding algorithms.


Ballistics / Re: Weapon Employment Zone
Last post by 375CT - July 02, 2014, 06:20:43 AM
In case you guys need to go some day here is a useful RNG (Gaussian) snippet I tested and works really well. The original code was written in C# which I later converted.

Public Class RandomGenerator
Private ReadOnly _random As Random
'indicates that an extra deviates was already calculated 
Private _hasAnotherDeviate As Boolean
'The other deviate calculated using the Box-Muller transformation 
Private _otherGaussianDeviate As Double
Public Sub New()
Me.New(New Random())
End Sub

Public Sub New(ByVal seed As Integer)
Me.New(New Random(seed))
End Sub

Public Sub New(ByVal random As Random)
_random = random
End Sub

' returns a normally distributed deviate with zero mean and unit variance. 
' Adapted from Numerical Recipe page 289: Normal (Gaussian) Deviates
Public Function NormalDeviate() As Double
Dim rsq, v1, v2 As Double
If _hasAnotherDeviate Then
'we have an extra deviate handy. Reset the flag and return it     
   _hasAnotherDeviate = False
  Return _otherGaussianDeviate
End If
v1 = UniformDeviate(-1, 1) 'pick two uniform number
v2 = UniformDeviate(-1, 1) 'in the square extending from -1 to +1
rsq = v1 * v1 + v2 * v2 'see if they are in the unit circle
Loop While rsq >= 1.0 OrElse rsq = 0.0
'now make the box-muller transformation to get two normal deviates. 
Dim fac As Double = Math.Sqrt(-2.0 * Math.Log(rsq) / rsq)
'Return one and save one for next time
_otherGaussianDeviate = v1 * fac
_hasAnotherDeviate = True
Return v2 * fac
End Function

' Returns a uniformly distributed random number between min and max.
Public Function UniformDeviate(ByVal min As Double, ByVal max As Double) As Double
Return (max - min) * _random.NextDouble() + min
End Function

' Returns a random number between 0 and 1 
Public Function NextDouble() As Double
  Return _random.NextDouble()
End Function

End Class
Ballistics / Re: Weapon Employment Zone
Last post by 375CT - July 01, 2014, 08:11:31 PM

Great work, really liked the new sheet. Sorry if I miswrote my question, but I meant that MC was just for creating the random sampling, then applying CEP to yield the HP in one of the calcs you did. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Got it regarding the variations and SD inputs.

Any time later, english comments would be nice, my finnish is awful  :(
Ballistics / Re: Weapon Employment Zone
Last post by mman - July 01, 2014, 11:28:38 AM
Quote from: admin on July 01, 2014, 10:44:34 AM
Quote from: mman on July 01, 2014, 09:12:33 AM

This input field allows you to move group center in relation to target, if that is what you meant?

Yes. I our case, at 300m, people aim with their telecopes at a white sticker 20cm below the electronic target center.
But I guess aiming error is compensated with equivalent scope correction so that group center is on correct place?

You can download my wez tool from here: CEP&MC eng.xlsm

Most of it is still in finnish, sorry.
Ballistics / Re: Weapon Employment Zone
Last post by admin - July 01, 2014, 10:44:34 AM
Quote from: mman on July 01, 2014, 09:12:33 AM

This input field allows you to move group center in relation to target, if that is what you meant?

Yes. I our case, at 300m, people aim with their telecopes at a white sticker 20cm below the electronic target center.
Ballistics / Re: Weapon Employment Zone
Last post by mman - July 01, 2014, 09:12:33 AM
Quote from: admin on June 30, 2014, 08:08:28 PM
would it be possible to include the effects of a hold over/under (and the horizontal equivalent)? (in combination with cant)

This input field allows you to move group center in relation to target, if that is what you meant?

Quote from: 375CT on June 30, 2014, 08:55:22 PM
Is this WEZ tool inlcuded in your Hit Prob spreadsheet? Asking because I'd like to ry it if you don't mind.
Yes, it is. I'll attach it later today.

Quote from: 375CT on June 30, 2014, 08:55:22 PM
LIked the idea of going Monte Carlo for the random sequence then using CEP for hit prob. Nice touch.
That's not the case. I calculated hit probability with two different methods:
1. CEP which is nothing to do with random sequence. Basicly it is just analytical way to express hit probability on round target.
2. Monte carlo which is based on Robert's rang.

Quote from: 375CT on June 30, 2014, 08:55:22 PM
Not quite clear the difference in the MV fields errors, any more detail will be kindly grateful.
On dispersion factors field you define SD of group (all values are expressed in standard deviations). On group center bias field you define how far away in average group center is from target center.
e.g. "Muzzle velocity variation" of 3 m/s means that your MV SD is 3 m/s. "Wrong muzzle velocity" of 3 m/s means that you have assumed muzzle velocity to be 3 m/s higher than it actually is. --> Your ballistic calculation gives you wrong holdover/scope correction clicks which leads to group center shift downwards.
Ballistics / Re: Weapon Employment Zone
Last post by 375CT - June 30, 2014, 08:55:22 PM

Is this WEZ tool inlcuded in your Hit Prob spreadsheet? Asking because I'd like to ry it if you don't mind.

LIked the idea of going Monte Carlo for the random sequence then using CEP for hit prob. Nice touch.

I know, you guys are Excel experts, now I'm going to have to do some and see what I can come up with.

Not quite clear the difference in the MV fields errors, any more detail will be kindly grateful.