new bfx in the make

Started by admin, August 01, 2011, 02:28:09 AM

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Because of the rain there was an excuse to start with the upgrade of BfX to include user defined drag functions. The first step is done, BfX is able to read in (any) tables and check them if they are changed since last time they were read. As a by product the function BfX_CRC(<range>) exists now that computes a string, e.g. BfX2269275294CRC, of 16 or less characters (32bit cyclic redundancy check (log10(2^32))+ BFX + CRC) . This value changes if the values and their order in a range of cells changes.

This BfX_CRC is quite handy for it self. Suppose one fills a quite large table with calculations. Then the person changes something in the workbook which should not affect the numbers and strings in the table. If, however they are, BfX_CRC computes another number.

Later this week I release the version with BfX_CRC, it needs just a small change in the source code...


How it is going with the new 6 DOF version of BfX?


Bad. Work and shooting completely exhausted my free time.


Sorry to hear that. It'll be the same for me too next year when work will start to take time from other interests.


For me this is not so bad, my job has many cool aspects. I do the ballistics stuff mostly to kick off ...


The difference between work and hobby is that you'll get the money from the first and lose it for the second one. And spending is always more fun than earning.  ;)