list delimiter

Started by highwall, January 16, 2011, 01:20:44 AM

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When I first started working with bfx I tried to use the ; delimiter as shown in the help and my Excel protested. Downloaded the SA Fclass examples and see the , works just fine. Is the ; used in a European flavor of Excel since they use the , where we use the .    ? Thanks for the plugin. -lige


Because I develop with Dutch as the locale (e.g. 2.000.000,3 in Dutch means 2,000,000.3 in the USA, Australia and a lot of other "Imperial" countries) I have to delimit cell formula's with semicolons e.g. bfx_d(740;30;0,5). In Australia one would enter bfx_d(740,30,0.5). Please note that in VBA only the imperial notation is used, the issue is only with the cells themselves.

Luckely, for downloads this is not an issue.

Excel does convert automatically to the active locale, and I checked that. This means that my downloads should be able to run without conversion. Indeed, I run the SA-Fclass spreadsheet without problems and even didn't note that it was converted (and vice versa from English Australian locale to Dutch)

Remains only the issue with "unwarned" persons following my screenshot examples (typing ; instead of ,).

I will put some remarks on the website.