BfX Update - Drag calculations all under standard ICA0 conditions and bugs fixed

Started by admin, February 19, 2011, 12:49:34 AM

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For BfX it was a day with improvements.

Now the calculation of drag based Pejsa's drag coeficients is also done at the standard ICAO pressure. I have used the opportunity - now that I know how Pejsa's drag function is based on Ingalls Mayevski's parametrizations of deacceleration - to introduce the Ingalss Mayevski drag function to BfX. Of course the associated drag is also calculated at ICAO conditions.

I have reproduced Ingalls table and will put the spreadsheet online soon. By doing so I found a bug in BfX_Xv (it didn't want to parse "fps") and repaired it. I encountered also a wrong conversion constant from inchHg to Pascals. Furthermore I introduced the PSI (pounds per square inch) to BfX.

These modifications had impact on the GettingStarted spreadsheet and hence I had to modify it a bit.

You can download the updates. Soon I will extend my site with a discussion on atmospheric conditions and drag calculations


More good news for BfX! I look forward to the discussion on atmospheric conditions and drag.
